For generations, the cultivation of apples has formed an integral part of Kashmir’s economy, from its introduction centuries ago by Emperor Akbar to its present-day status as a leading producer in India. With diverse varieties thriving in the valley’s temperate climate, the apple industry sustains thousands of farming families, generating significant revenue through domestic sales and exports. Due to challenges such as weather fluctuations and market uncertainties, the introduction of new varieties is essential, offering new opportunities towards ensuring a prosperous future for the region’s agricultural economy.

Ambri variety which is indigenous to Kashmir is rarely found nowadays, covers minute areas and acreage and variety is diminishing fast due to the loss of its genome. Although Ambri plantations still subsist on elevated altitudes within unreachable areas which yield without any application of scientific package of practices. The variety resumes its superiority by its crisp texture, sweet flesh and excellent aroma with prolonged storability. Ambri apples are small to medium-sized averaging 5 to 8 centimeters in diameter and 158 to 292 grams in weight and have an oblong to conical or slightly flattened shape. The size, shape and appearance of the fruits will vary, depending on the growing environment, and the apples may exhibit some ribbing and irregularity. Ambri apples have semi-thick, smooth, taut, and chewy skin, showcasing yellow-green hues overlaid with red streaks and striping. The fruits are high in sugar, ranging from 13 to 15.9 degrees Brix, creating a mild sweet taste.
Some commonly found Apple varieties are:

The fruit industry profile of Jammu and Kashmir has been dominated by Delicious apples for quite a long period. This apple variety features medium to large-sized fruits, with oblong or conical shapes and red in colour. Its flesh has a creamy colour, offering a delightful contrast to its crimson exterior. Known for its late maturation, the harvest of this variety typically starts in October, making it a favoured choice for late-season.

Kullu Delicious
This variety is the second-largest top variety of Kashmiri apples produced in Kashmir. The skin often possesses a vibrant red or reddish-green colour and is sometimes adorned with a noticeable blush or speckling. These apples tend to be medium to large in size, crunchy texture and juicy. Variety is late maturing in nature and apples have good storage capabilities and can be stored for longer periods.

Granny Smith
Trees are vigorously upright and spreading. Fruits are medium to large in size. The ground colour of the fruit is green and turns greenish-yellow at maturity. Lenticels are conspicuous and skin is smooth. The shape is round conical. The flesh is greenish-white, firm juicy, good blend of sugar/ acidity. A late maturing variety, a good pollinizer and a regular bearer.

Golden Delicious
The shape of fruit ranges from round to conical or oblong, initially having a greenish-yellow hue that changes to a rich golden yellow upon ripening. The flesh exhibits a creamy colour and offers a delightful combination of crispness and juiciness, accompanied by a pleasant flavour. As a late-maturing variety, it reaches optimal ripeness for harvesting in October and is a good pollinizer variety.

Golden Delicious Clone B
The trees exhibit moderate vigor. When fully ripe, the fruits are yellow coloured, red blush possible. The lenticels are visible and the fruit has a slight tendency to develop russet. The fruit is conical in shape, with yellow flesh that is crisp and juicy. This variety acts as a good pollinizer for many apple varieties and is ready for harvest in October.

This variety is characterized by large size, displaying a red colour on a green base, often accented by noticeable dots. The fruit is crispy textured and has a delightful aroma, while the flavour profile tends towards a slight acidity complemented by its juicy nature. Ripening typically occurs in late October.

This variety is commonly known as Hazratbali. The fruits are small orange-yellow with red over colour and globose in shape. The flesh is yellow, firm and crispy textured. This apple variety have a biennial bearing tendency and matures between 2nd week of July to late week of July.